Every object around us has been designed. Design means much more than just the outer form of the object: it means ergonomics, usability, functionality, costs, and aesthetics.
A successful design is an essential part of the success of many products, and it has an important task as the builder of the competitive strength. Behind a successful product, there is often a demanding, long-term product development process that has required the output of experts from various different areas. The designer's role in the product development is to compile sometimes even in contradiction with economical, technical and operational requirements. Often this work made by the designers remains invisible from the great audience, because all we see is the finished product. This was the idea for the Success stories of design web exhibition that shows products that are familiar to all Finns as well as share the design process and designers behind them.
The web exhibition is compiled based on the materials by the Finnish Industrial Design Archives Designarkisto and the Central Archives for Finnish Business Records.